-Learn to desensitize to all the sounds around you. Whether inside the room or outside. Comfortably ignore the world outside and go within to find a place in which you can rest. Rest like you have never rested before and it will be comfortable for you.
-Centre your awareness within yourself. Through breathing and guided focus learn to become fully aware and fully associate into your physical body. Ready to be present, aware, and in the moment
-Imagine if you will just closing your eyes and allowing all the little tiny muscles in and around your eyes to just learn to let go. To go loose and slack and enjoy a feeling of rest so deep down that you would do anything to preserve that feeling of calmness. Now perhaps allow yourself to imagine that level of rest in every muscle and nerve of your entire being. Learning to just go loose and slack and resting deep down into a feeling of calmness. Every limb and fibre of your being drifting in a harmonious state of sleep and rest and you just enjoying what that feels like. question-What are the BENEFITS of a PR? answer-You get to really rest way beyond a point that a massage will ever take you. This is great for anyone who needs to experience a deep tissue calmness in every fibre of their body and being. Like a deep healing state of sleep and rest. Like REM sleep as client will often exhibit REM. Physically you will be rested and energized, emotionally you will be calm and serene, Mentally clear and focused and much, much more...and of course the benefits carry over into your regular life. A new found ability to achieve a greater quality of sleep at night, waking feeling refreshed and energized.
-Find a point way down inside yourself into which you can rest so deeply right down to that perfect basement of your subconscious mind. Now as you rest in that place, that special place, begin to visualize or imagine all those things which you would like to see happen. As if they have already happened. Fully associate into it. Visualize the highest vision of yourself and find out what that is.
-Imagine if you will that the human mind is made up of many different parts all working together as one cohesive unit toward that individuals greatest good and highest well being. The parts carry out many different tasks all with a positive intention towards serving the individuals needs. Sometimes the pattern that is being run by the part needs to be re-examined. Re-evaluated under the light of new found understanding from deep within the individuals own sub-conscious mind. Then whatever behaviour being exhibited can be appreciated for its good intentions and negotiated with for a knew and improved set of of behaviours that fulfill the positive intention yet also serve that individuals greatest good at a higher level than ever before. Parts all re-integrated fully as one at the end of the session.
question-What are the BENEFITS of a parts therapy? answer-The benefits are very good in relieving anxieties, phobias, stress, bad habits and much, much more...
-Imagine visiting a past life. Studies show hundreds of cases of xenoglossy a phenomenon in which a person is able to speak or write a language he or she could not have acquired by natural means. For example, a person who begins to speak Swedish fluently, but who is not a native Swedish speaker, has never studied Swedish, never been to a Swedish-speaking country, and never associated with Swedish speakers or had any other source of exposure to the Swedish language, would be said to exhibit xenoglossy. Regression is an excellent tool to help any client remember long forgotten incidents. There is nothing mysterious about it. It is just a state of focused concentration. Under the instruction of a trained hypnotist, the patient's body relaxes, causing the memory to sharpen and sometimes a regression slides back even further to a past life event that is metaphorically very pertinent to the issues being addressed in this persons life in the here and the now. Studies in theology, physics, psychiatry, and psychology document events that go beyond explanation and put forth the thought that sometimes what you haven't learned in a past life may have been carried over into this life. Now, imagine being able to clear that energy, how freeing that will feel. Is it a metaphor, is it real? . question-What are the BENEFITS of a past life regression? answer-I have hypnotized many clients and found it helpful in reducing anxiety, eliminating phobias, changing bad habits, and aiding in the recall of repressed material very quickly and efficiently... and then of course there is the experience of past lives. Is it really a past life? When a client looks at me with a wide eyed expression and asks what was that? I always ask, well what do you think it was? The benefits are real. A massive amount of energy and baggage that no longer serves can be cleared away. Imagine being free again. Gaining a new understanding of your purpose. This is a very deep thing and affects people in a very deep way by connecting them to knew founds realms of love, strength and forgiveness. Within a person is an infinite capacity to connection with all things. Very healing in body mind and spirit, whatever your spiritual beliefs may be. Whether due to the actual memories of major traumas or daily mini-traumas or to the process of reliving the experience I have seen clients phobias and panic attacks disappear as they gain new found control and power back.
Avoid the need for drugs, or costly drawn out therapies. Psychiatrists use high doses of tranquilizers and anti depressant medicines to treat people with the same symptoms over the period of months and months. A well reckoned psychiatrist who uses hypnotic past life regression therapy is quoted as saying, " It was wonderful and remarkable that in a period of weeks , without the use of medicines, traditional therapy, or group therapy she was able to experience huge benefits. Through hypnotic regression to past lives complete with detailed observations and explanations of objects, processes and facts-which she had no knowledge of in her normal waking state; was able to experience improvement in her symptoms through the regressions- improvement not even remotely achieved by conventional psychotherapy over the first eighteen months of treatment. This was the absence of symptoms, and she was radiant, serene and happy beyond my wildest hopes."
This therapeutic method is based around the ancient practice of reconciliation and forgiveness demonstrated by the Ho'oponopono healers of Hawaii and the ancient Maori people. Similar forgiveness practices were performed on islands throughout the south pacific, including, Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand. Based on the premise that we are all inter-connected and affected by the dynamics of our relationships. Each time we establish a relationship with another person we create invisible relationship ‘cords’. These cords are connected on the etheric level between two people. Each individual holds his/her own cords that are attached to the other person. And is allowed to say what they need to say, hear what they need to hear, see and relay a message to anyone anywhere that may have been left unresolved. Find your ability to allow healing energy of love and light to pour down from highest source and flow through each person and to one another through the heart. question- What are the BENEFITS of cording? answer-Cording is a proven and effective therapeutic method that mends unhealthy relationships into flourishing ones achieving dramatic and impactful results. Imagine being able to finally say the things you may have never got a chance to say to that one person, imagine the freedom you can experience once you undergo this ancient experience of healing and restoration.
-Break out of that altered state that you are so practiced at. Break the pattern. Stop walking around like a zombie. Become present in your life, become aware, Focus on your goals, focus on what makes you happy, protect yourself from harmful things in the media and life which you may be exposed to on a regular basis. Hypnotherapy will give you a shield or forcefield against negative subconscious trash. Helping you to allow yourself to be more emotionally calm and serene, mentally clear and focused, physically well rested and energetic. Only be suggestible to things that make you happy while comfortably ignoring the negative. Although you appreciate your ability to be discerning. Positive thinking is not saying to yourself, there are no weeds in the garden, it is pulling the suckers out and moving on with your life.
-Learn to desensitize to all the sounds around you. Whether inside the room or outside. Comfortably ignore the world outside and go within to find a place in which you can rest. Rest like you have never rested before and it will be comfortable for you.
-Centre your awareness within yourself. Through breathing and guided focus learn to become fully aware and fully associate into your physical body. Ready to be present, aware, and in the moment
-Imagine if you will just closing your eyes and allowing all the little tiny muscles in and around your eyes to just learn to let go. To go loose and slack and enjoy a feeling of rest so deep down that you would do anything to preserve that feeling of calmness. Now perhaps allow yourself to imagine that level of rest in every muscle and nerve of your entire being. Learning to just go loose and slack and resting deep down into a feeling of calmness. Every limb and fibre of your being drifting in a harmonious state of sleep and rest and you just enjoying what that feels like. question-What are the BENEFITS of a PR? answer-You get to really rest way beyond a point that a massage will ever take you. This is great for anyone who needs to experience a deep tissue calmness in every fibre of their body and being. Like a deep healing state of sleep and rest. Like REM sleep as client will often exhibit REM. Physically you will be rested and energized, emotionally you will be calm and serene, Mentally clear and focused and much, much more...and of course the benefits carry over into your regular life. A new found ability to achieve a greater quality of sleep at night, waking feeling refreshed and energized.
-Find a point way down inside yourself into which you can rest so deeply right down to that perfect basement of your subconscious mind. Now as you rest in that place, that special place, begin to visualize or imagine all those things which you would like to see happen. As if they have already happened. Fully associate into it. Visualize the highest vision of yourself and find out what that is.
-Imagine if you will that the human mind is made up of many different parts all working together as one cohesive unit toward that individuals greatest good and highest well being. The parts carry out many different tasks all with a positive intention towards serving the individuals needs. Sometimes the pattern that is being run by the part needs to be re-examined. Re-evaluated under the light of new found understanding from deep within the individuals own sub-conscious mind. Then whatever behaviour being exhibited can be appreciated for its good intentions and negotiated with for a knew and improved set of of behaviours that fulfill the positive intention yet also serve that individuals greatest good at a higher level than ever before. Parts all re-integrated fully as one at the end of the session.
question-What are the BENEFITS of a parts therapy? answer-The benefits are very good in relieving anxieties, phobias, stress, bad habits and much, much more...
-Imagine visiting a past life. Studies show hundreds of cases of xenoglossy a phenomenon in which a person is able to speak or write a language he or she could not have acquired by natural means. For example, a person who begins to speak Swedish fluently, but who is not a native Swedish speaker, has never studied Swedish, never been to a Swedish-speaking country, and never associated with Swedish speakers or had any other source of exposure to the Swedish language, would be said to exhibit xenoglossy. Regression is an excellent tool to help any client remember long forgotten incidents. There is nothing mysterious about it. It is just a state of focused concentration. Under the instruction of a trained hypnotist, the patient's body relaxes, causing the memory to sharpen and sometimes a regression slides back even further to a past life event that is metaphorically very pertinent to the issues being addressed in this persons life in the here and the now. Studies in theology, physics, psychiatry, and psychology document events that go beyond explanation and put forth the thought that sometimes what you haven't learned in a past life may have been carried over into this life. Now, imagine being able to clear that energy, how freeing that will feel. Is it a metaphor, is it real? . question-What are the BENEFITS of a past life regression? answer-I have hypnotized many clients and found it helpful in reducing anxiety, eliminating phobias, changing bad habits, and aiding in the recall of repressed material very quickly and efficiently... and then of course there is the experience of past lives. Is it really a past life? When a client looks at me with a wide eyed expression and asks what was that? I always ask, well what do you think it was? The benefits are real. A massive amount of energy and baggage that no longer serves can be cleared away. Imagine being free again. Gaining a new understanding of your purpose. This is a very deep thing and affects people in a very deep way by connecting them to knew founds realms of love, strength and forgiveness. Within a person is an infinite capacity to connection with all things. Very healing in body mind and spirit, whatever your spiritual beliefs may be. Whether due to the actual memories of major traumas or daily mini-traumas or to the process of reliving the experience I have seen clients phobias and panic attacks disappear as they gain new found control and power back.
Avoid the need for drugs, or costly drawn out therapies. Psychiatrists use high doses of tranquilizers and anti depressant medicines to treat people with the same symptoms over the period of months and months. A well reckoned psychiatrist who uses hypnotic past life regression therapy is quoted as saying, " It was wonderful and remarkable that in a period of weeks , without the use of medicines, traditional therapy, or group therapy she was able to experience huge benefits. Through hypnotic regression to past lives complete with detailed observations and explanations of objects, processes and facts-which she had no knowledge of in her normal waking state; was able to experience improvement in her symptoms through the regressions- improvement not even remotely achieved by conventional psychotherapy over the first eighteen months of treatment. This was the absence of symptoms, and she was radiant, serene and happy beyond my wildest hopes."
This therapeutic method is based around the ancient practice of reconciliation and forgiveness demonstrated by the Ho'oponopono healers of Hawaii and the ancient Maori people. Similar forgiveness practices were performed on islands throughout the south pacific, including, Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand. Based on the premise that we are all inter-connected and affected by the dynamics of our relationships. Each time we establish a relationship with another person we create invisible relationship ‘cords’. These cords are connected on the etheric level between two people. Each individual holds his/her own cords that are attached to the other person. And is allowed to say what they need to say, hear what they need to hear, see and relay a message to anyone anywhere that may have been left unresolved. Find your ability to allow healing energy of love and light to pour down from highest source and flow through each person and to one another through the heart. question- What are the BENEFITS of cording? answer-Cording is a proven and effective therapeutic method that mends unhealthy relationships into flourishing ones achieving dramatic and impactful results. Imagine being able to finally say the things you may have never got a chance to say to that one person, imagine the freedom you can experience once you undergo this ancient experience of healing and restoration.
-Break out of that altered state that you are so practiced at. Break the pattern. Stop walking around like a zombie. Become present in your life, become aware, Focus on your goals, focus on what makes you happy, protect yourself from harmful things in the media and life which you may be exposed to on a regular basis. Hypnotherapy will give you a shield or forcefield against negative subconscious trash. Helping you to allow yourself to be more emotionally calm and serene, mentally clear and focused, physically well rested and energetic. Only be suggestible to things that make you happy while comfortably ignoring the negative. Although you appreciate your ability to be discerning. Positive thinking is not saying to yourself, there are no weeds in the garden, it is pulling the suckers out and moving on with your life.